Log lift competition

Log lift competition

Last night, we ran our first log competition and it ended up being a great night.
21 lifters (6 females & 15 males) showed up and participated in this event.
Several personal bests were broken while being in a great and fun atmosphere. Well done to Lucia for winning the female division with a 60 kg log press and Justin for winning the male division with a 105 kg log press at 91kg bw.

Log Lift Competition results

Log Lift Competition results

The Coco’s team would like to thank everyone that came in for this event.
Thanks to Genesis Nutrition Australia and Harris Stability Systems- Australian Powerlifting Supplies for their very generous support and prizes.

Justin and Lucia taking home the prizes

Justin and Lucia taking home the prizes

For those are interested in competing in the next log lift competition, on April 12th PTC Brisbane will host the Queensland leg of the first ever Australian log lift competition (Facebook page, click here).

At Coco’s gym, we are working on being the best strongman gym in Queensland. If you are interested in taking up Strongman, contact us today to learn more about Strongman implements. We have got a wide range of equipment that will prep you for any strongman competitions and make you a stronger athlete.

Jean-Stephen “Coco”
Sport Scientist, Personal Trainer, Strength coach


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