Nutrition for Strength Athletes
On Sunday we were lucky enough to have Harriet Walker from Athletic Eating come in to share her Nutrition knowledge with us throughout a 90 minute seminar.
This seminar was specifically designed for Strength Athletes, covering general Nutrition considerations for active people and topics that relate to Strength Athletes. By the end of the seminar participants had a clear understanding of general Nutrition terminology and concepts, how to roughly assess their diet, calculate macronutrient needs and understand general considerations for weight manipulation for their chosen sport.
Topics: covered:
-Nutrition basics (Macronutrients, micronutrients, everyday nutrition).
-Nutrition for performance.
-Body composition considerations for your sport.
Q & A
About Harriet:
Harriet Walker is an Accredited Sports Dietitian with over 4 years’ experience in sports performance nutrition. Harriet works in a private practice, with teams and consults to private entities designing meal plans, producing nutrition content, writing and advising on products. Throughout her career, Harriet has worked with over 350 clients one on one ranging from weekend warriors to Commonwealth games gold medallists. Harriet specialises in Strength Sports and has also competed herself in physique, Powerlifting, Crossfit and Strongman competitions.
Participants also received a free goodie bag thanks to Body science.
To find out more about Harriet go to >